Thursday 28 March 2019

Beautiful Brothers

When three tiny pups arrived at the shelter late one dark cold winter evening I nearly cried. Although I know pups are strong and will fight to survive, these pups were almost lifeless, weak and suffering. My first reaction was to get them warm, fed and safe. In all honesty I was going to make them as comfortable as possible as survival through that first night was going to be tough for them. My mind said one thing my heart said another.
Arthur, Archie and Alfie

The pups still needed to be bottle fed so round the clock attention started, although Archie & Alfie were anxious I knew they wanted to survive. They fed well and soon began to lap alone, Alfie's eye infection cleared and Archie although struggling to walk he found his way to his food and his warm bed.

Unfortunately for their much smaller brother Arthur was struggling. He took to sleeping on my neck or on his hot water bottle but with his reluctance to feed he eventually went to sleep forever in my arms.

When Alfie's eye infection cleared it became obvious there was no eye to save. There was no mush so we believe he was actually born with no eye although he has eye lids, the infection had caused by inverted eye lashes. Alfie is very loving, as he was bottle fed loves being close. Alfie needs a loving home as he adores people and contact. Shelter life really isn't for him.


Very wobbly Archie worried me as although feeding and getting stronger his back legs had a mind of their own. One step forward two back springs to mind. The vet asked me to take him in as I was very worried, it seems Archie's problem isn't neurological Thank goodness however he could have problematic hips. Hip dysplasia. Archie can now run and walk which is a blessing but he wobbles now and them. It seems as the muscles get stronger round the joints the stronger his walking is although he is always first to go back to bed for a rest. Archie is adorable and as his brother will nestle in close for a cuddle. Shelter life really is no place for such loving brothers who again love humans contact and each other.


Archie & Alfie have a very loving bond, they rest, play & sleep together. It will take a miracle for Archie & Alfie to find a loving home but I believe in miracles, Archie & Alfie are infact miracles themselves. Please share someone out there needs Alfie & Archie as much as they need that very special family, thank you xx

Archie (back) and Alfie (front)

Archie at the back, Alfie at the front
Alfie (one eye) looks like he will be a large dog but Archie is much smaller, maybe med to large fully grown.

If you are interested in adopting Archie and Alfie please either email: or send a message through our Facebook Page:  Thank you.



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