Monday 14 October 2019

Suddenly paralysed BEAUTY 😔

Amanda found our beautiful by name, beautiful by nature Beauty is an awful state late yesterday evening.

Beauty can't move her hind legs, she can't stand, she couldn't run up to the fencing to meet Amanda as she normally does for run and food time. Her situation is totally heartbreaking. She is 2 and a half years old.

Both beauty & Amanda were in shock, Beauty terrified to be suddenly paralysed and Amanda well, she just couldn't believe our beauty wasn't wagging her huge fluffy tail waiting to say hi.

Our vet agreed to meet us at the clinic where he noticed that there is feeling in her feet and we believe she moved her tail.

We are praying that her back isn't broken, the vet believes she has slipped a disc. If this is correct with surgery we could see beauty back on her feet.

We will not know for sure until she has a MRI in Thessaloniki tomorrow morning. The only MRI for dogs in North Greece.

Beauty is in distress, needing company as she just cant understand what has happened to her. She isnt eating so is being syringe fed but is drinking. She is having to be moved now and then as her hind legs are becoming stiff. She cant get up to pee. She has pain relief and lots of blankets to keep her as comfortable and warn as possible.

We will keep you posted, her MRI is booked for 9am tomorrow morning. it will cost 250 Euros if you would like to help. Thank you & please pray our big baby is in pain and frightened.😔

Paypal for Compassion For Greek Paws



1 comment:

  1. Poor Beauty, heart breaking for the poor soul. I hope and pray she recovers quickly. Sending my love, Sarah F
