Tuesday 12 February 2019

Arthur, Archie and Alfie

Three very poorly pups came to us last night.

Driven in a closed boot of a car for an hour. The man said he had found them abandoned and had asked other rescues who directed him to us. I can't believe they were still alive after being closed in a boot at only 30 days old for an hour !

All three pups are poorly & could be suffering with neurological problems however they are very young so hard to tell at this point.

One can't walk/crawl and falls to the right side if moves, the second has lost an eye to infection & the third the stronger of the three is very anxious. All three have skin complaints.

Prognosis is not good but I will do all I can to help them, they have obviously suffered a great deal in just 30 DAYS of life.....

We have named them Arthur (the weakest one who can't walk/crawl properly), Alfie (the one with infected eye which has been lost) and Archie (the strongest pup).

UPDATE: Archie the stronger of the pups is feeding but is struggling to move around, Alfie the pup with the infection in his eye has unfortunately lost his eye, he is on medication. The third and weakest of the pups Arthur is not feeding well and is very poorly.

Please pray for these three brothers to live and be healed and restored so they can live long and have a healthy life and a forever loving home.

Arthur, Archie & Alfie

Arthur, Archie & Alfie

Arthur, Archie & Alfie


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