Friday 15 February 2019

Miracles Do Happen!!

Gorgeous Grayson was born 18 June 2017 and spent his life at the shelter until he was offered a home and arrived in the UK in October 2018. Being a rescue dog he was unused to the noises in his new environment. Whilst being taken out on his collar and lead he heard a new sound that frightened him so much that he managed to slip his collar and run off scared. He went missing on the 22 November 2018. He was spotted 5 days later but it was impossible to catch him. The area he was lost in was vast open countryside which made it so difficult to track him or gain his trust to rescue him. Many people took the time to search for him and there were a few sightings of him over the weeks. A trap was set up but whilst he went into it to eat he didn’t enter fully to set the trap off. Prayers were sent up to Heaven asking God to bring him home and to send his angels in the meantime to protect him.  As the weather started to turn cold our thoughts turned to Grayson on his own for the first time in his life, hungry, cold and lost.  He was spotted before Christmas and hopes were high that he would be captured and returned to safety but he evaded all attempts to rescue him. As the weeks went by we wondered where Grayson was, how he was and whether we would ever see him again. Then at the beginning of February there was a possible sighting of him and a very grainy photo of a dog loose that could have been him. Hopes were raised again but no further updates were received. Then finally on Valentines day, the 14th February 2019 he was found alive in a farmers log shed. It was a miracle, Grayson alive after 12 weeks (84 days) lost in open countryside in unfamiliar surroundings.  Everyone who heard the news was overjoyed and some cried with sheer relief that his adventure was over and now finally he could begin to recover from his ordeal and settle into family life. Grayson has been checked by a vet, he is unharmed although very thin as the last photo shows.

Grayson found in farmers log shed
Grayson back at home
Grayson 15 Feb 2019

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