Wednesday 27 November 2019

Amazing Adorable Amy

Hello my name is Amy and I've heard my rescue foster Hoomans say it means 'dearly loved' which I can confirm I am" 💕.

I am nearly 9 months old, but apparently I'm rather big for my age, they say I'm a 'large mixed breed'. But don't let that put you off, as I'm puppy through and through and come with all the cuteness overload you can take! 😍

My foster mum has been training me so my new forever family will be impressed. I've been with them for two months now and you want to know what I can do!
Apparently I've got great manners and eat my dinner really nicely and don't rush it, I can also take treats off you and you really wouldn't notice it's gone, I'm so gentle.

I can 'sit' ( I always could 😉 but I like to let her think she trained me!) I do it real quick on command now and love it when she looks at me so delighted that I decided to play ball and agree to learn the others.

So I can 'wait' (that was quite tricky actually as she tricked me with a treat in her hand at the same time!) and 'down'. She has to move back when I do this one she said as I apparently have this huge body and end up with my head in her lap! She says I'm a first class student and a real star and I learn quick, sounds good doesn't it?! 😉

I've done all my toilets in the garden and never go inside, she's really impressed with this but I told her I'm not ready to do my business on a walk yet. I'm a little particular whose looking so foster mum says not to worry it will come with confidence.

I walk quite well on my lead, we have sniff time and heel time. Sometimes I sniff for ages according to mum and even dad but hey it's good to know what's and whose been out there!

I watched them for a couple of weeks throw the ball to each other and run after it, they seemed to be enjoying themselves so I thought I'd join in and chase them. I now love my ball and it even lights up at night for me. I love all my toys actually but I'm really good and I just chew my own stuff as mum said in this weird voice, 'yours', 'mine' so I kind of cottoned on quite quickly as to which bits I could chew.

Getting me a large antler helped but when i drop it on the floor I have to bark to let mum know it's gone under the couch. She doesn't like me getting it when that happens so she asked me to let her know when I need help so I do now.

I don't bark at all unless I need to tell her something. Once I even barked in the night to tell her I needed the loo. I'm good like that.

I love running around the garden and now don't bother with the plants as mum has done this thing called 'puppy proof' in fact I heard dad say he'd done it in the whole house too!

I just love my hoomans and even little hoomans as long as they don't run fast and scare me or shout loud. I'm learning to be gentle with my humongous Paws cos mum says it hurts if I clonk them so I'm getting really good at this now. I used to jump up loads but mum said it wasn't nice and she got too muddy so I save it for dad instead 😂

I've heard them say I have a real loving nature and I think that's pretty true as I wag my tail a lot and 'play bow' lots when I meet other dogs.

If you think you might like me to be a part of your family, I'd love that. I will miss my foster 'hoomans' loads but if you will love me, play with me, take me for walks and give me a space I can call home, I think I can get over them okay. 😉🐾💖









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