Sunday 15 September 2019

Happy 4th Anniversary!!

Today Sunday 15th September 2019 is Compassion For Greek Paws 4th anniversary!! Wow so much has been achieved in just 4 years.

When Amanda found the perfect spot to start the shelter in a valley at the foot of the mountains there was just one small white building.

This is the shelter in May 2019. It has grown substantially and a new roof is currently being installed.

Our internet presence has also grown from just a Facebook group to a Website, Facebook Page, blog, You Tube Channel and Instagram account

Amanda has worked tirelessly day in, day out dedicating her life to rescuing the stray dogs in her community. She spends 8 hours a day taking care of her four legged friends cleaning out their pens, feeding and watering, giving them attention and cuddles and run time. She rescues any dog in need that comes across her path caring for them with such a tender heart of compassion. She nurses the sick and injured back to full health. She ensures each dog in her care is vaccinated, given treatment for fleas and ticks, microchips them, neuters when old enough and arranges their pet passport ready to travel to their new homes. Each dog is precious to Amanda it's bitter sweet to say goodbye to them. It breaks her heart to let go of them but she knows they will have a better life with their new families. These dogs are always in her heart even after they have left the shelter.

Amanda is always grateful to anyone who takes the time to volunteer at the shelter. Compassion For Greek Paws has received support from many organisations who have generously give their support, help, services, supplies, food and financial donations. The number of supporters keeps on growing and we are thankful to everyone who takes an interest in Compassion For Greek Paws and invests their time and finances to bless the dogs and keep the shelter going.

At present there are over 70 dogs at the shelter all waiting for someone to offer them a forever home. We have a number of puppies and adult dogs, male and female. Amanda has created a safe haven for abandoned, abused and injured dogs.  Since the first dog was rescued back in 2015 there have been over 80 dogs re-homed in countries such as Belgium, Germany, Greece, Holland, UK and USA.

Our outreach and influence is growing with some of the locals allowing their homed dogs to be neutered. We support local homed and farm dogs providing assistance with their care. We are making inroads into changing culture in the local area.

Amanda is an example of one life touching the lives of many lives. She has brought joy to many people by making it possible for them to join her in rescuing the strays of Greece and making them a much loved member of the family.

As we celebrate the last four years we look forward to the future and invite you to join us in our mission to bring comapssion to Greek Paws. Please consider becoming a supporter, a volunteer, an abassador, a foster parent or even adopting a dog. Thank you. 


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